Thursday, October 31, 2013

Taomas story....

ABOUT: I have been making Fudge-Nut butters for about 4yrs now. Started simply out of curiosity to make different flavors than what was offered at grocery stores. A few friends and family tried them, loved them and the rest is history. I simply took the fear factor of pursuing such a venture out, and Taomas is now in its infancy as a true business.  I had decided to try and make it something more worthwhile and a true business. In doing so, it seems that Taomas has become my life's work as I know there will be much to come from this endeavor.

MISSION:  To provide a healthy option for nut butter lovers out there and to show them that Healthy can taste good.  Taomas will stand out by having flavors/variety that no one else in the industry is offering. There is no other brand on the market that blends snack ingredients such as organic granola, chocolate chips, organic banana chips or organic dried fruit into nut butter. Taomas is setting out to launch a nut butter revolution. Taomas is not just a snack that is to be eaten with a spoon straight from the jar, a nut butter that you can use with recipes other than it's typical uses, but maybe as a weapon against late-night cravings? Taomas will not only be a daily staple in the diet but also a treat for those wanting a healthy alternative. People who love nut butters will love mine even more knowing they are getting heart, brain healthy fats and a great taste. My nut butters are packed with Omega 3's and MCTs for good health and energy. Most are Gluten free and Diabetic friendly, The “Ben & Jerry's” of Fudge-Nut butters! I will also be donating a % of sales to the Non-GMO project. I would like to do my part in keeping our food “REAL”.

Have a Nut Butter Good Day! 

Taomas first sale!

Halloween 2013 just became an historical day with the first sale for Taomas.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Gingerly Root" was a success and will be added to my flavor list. :)Made with Organic almonds, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, organic molasses, and a hint of organic maple syrup

Monday, October 28, 2013

Taomas Gourmet
Nut Butters
Brevard, NC

Working on new logo and should be ready by the end of the week? This is my top choice thus far, though the color will be different on each different flavor.
This was last nights desert, yogurt with Chocolate Chip cookie dough, and a little pumpkin cause I like it like that! ;) It was Awesome!!! Also came up with a new flavor that will be going in the processor tonight, "GINGERLY ROOT" nut butter.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

This mornings
ride on East fork, one of my favorite roads in Transylvania County. Plus some Taomas Gourmet butters, stocking up for the Farmers Market in a few weeks.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Trail run this morning in Pisgah Forest

Followed up by some "Wabi-Sabi", flavorful and fantastic. I believe 5 different nut butters ended being in this new crazy concoction...LOVE IT!!! I'm feeling more and more that Taomas Gourmet nut butters is becoming my life's work. I'm Thankful for the opportunities that I know will stem from this business.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Flavor: "Wabi-Sabi"

I thought of this one this morning while working out. I'ts a Japanese term, "Wabi-Sabi", simply means Imperfect. With that said, this nut butter will consist of several nut butters thrown in the processor and bam...."Wabi-Sabi"
 I'll post up pics and reviews once they are available. 

Now on Etsy

For anyone interested in purchasing Taomas Gourmet Nut Butters, I'm now on
Just search Taomas nut butters
Just in time for the Fall season, another Fave of mine!

Taomas Gourmet Brownie Batter

This will be one of my big sellars!

Article on the health benefits of peanuts, eat more Taomas! ;)

Feeling Nutty? The Health Benefits of Peanut Butter

Written by Jesse Richardson on April 30, 2011 with 3 Comments
To me, there’s nothing quite like a good PB and J. A heart serving of chunky, organic peanut butter with a nice four fruit jam nuzzled between two slices of whole wheat, ancient grain slices of bread always hits the spot. Plus, it’s cheap. Despite the sandwich’s simplicity, you may be surprised to hear just how healthy a nice serving of peanut butter can be.
Truth is, behind (or inside) this meal, there are some serious health benefits.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Great article on nuts and why you should consume more, just like in Taomas nut butters

Lower LDL-Cholesterol and Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

A high-fat food that's good for your health? That's not an oxymoron, its almonds. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, the same type of health-promoting fats as are found in olive oil, which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Five large human epidemiological studies, including the Nurses Health Study, the Iowa Health Study, the Adventist Health Study and the Physicians Health Study, all found that nut consumption is linked to a lower risk for heart disease. Researchers who studied data from the Nurses Health Study estimated that substituting nuts for an equivalent amount of carbohydrate in an average diet resulted in a 30% reduction in heart disease risk. ).In addition to their cholesterol-lowering effects, almonds' ability to reduce heart disease risk may also be partly due to the antioxidant action of the vitamin E found in the almonds, as well as to the LDL-lowering effect of almonds' monounsaturated fats.

Nutrients in
0.25 cup (34.50 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value


 vitamin E44.8%




 vitamin B217.6%


Calories (205)11%

Reeses Pieces nut butter

Has to be one of my top 3 now. Making Pumpkin Pie spice today, should be another lovely Taomas nut butter flavor, though only seasonal. 

Peanuts (though not a true nut, but a legume)

Consumption Facts

  • The average American consumes more than six pounds of peanuts and peanut butter products each year.
  • The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before he/she graduates high school.
  • Americans consume on average over 1.5 billion pounds of peanut butter and peanut products each year.
  • Peanut butter is consumed in 90 percent of USA households.
  • Americans eat enough peanut butter in a year to make more than 10 billion peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  • The amount of peanut butter eaten in a year could wrap the earth in a ribbon of 18-ounce peanut butter jars one and one-third times.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why I use Ghee

What is Ghee?
In India, ghee has always been a sacred and celebrated symbol of auspiciousness, nourishment and healing; especially in the daily rituals of cooking and worship.
Ghee is a premium cooking oil celebrated for its taste, nutritional benefits, and medicinal qualities. Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of India, recognizes ghee as an essential part of a balanced diet, and considers it to be the best fat one can eat. Ghee is the very essence of butter; the end result of a long, slow, careful clarification process that removes all the moisture, milk solids and impurities. The absence of milk solids and water in ghee make it completely shelf stable. Ghee has one of the highest flash points (485ºF) which make this oil the best choice for high temperature cooking.
Ghee is comprised of full spectrum short, medium and long chain fatty acids, both unsaturated and saturated. Ghee contains Omega 3 and Omega 9 essential fatty acids along with vitamins A, D, E and K. Ghee made from organic butter of pastured cows is one of the highest natural sources of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). 9 phenolic anti-oxidants, as well as numerous other minerals are present in ghee.
Ghee is known as a substance that gives longevity, its elemental qualities balance the aging characteristics by enriching the living body.
Ghee has been used for centuries as a digestive and elimination aid, for energy, sexual vitality, skin and eye health, as a lubricant for the joints and for alkalizing the blood.
The purity of ghee allows it to be deep penetrating and nourishing as it passes through the lipid membranes of cells. For this reason, the vitamins and minerals from food cooked in ghee will be drawn deep into the body where they impart the most benefit. The assimilation of the nutrients increases when suspended in a ghee matrix. When you add spices to ghee to cook with the flavor is carried deep into the food. Many herbal preparations use ghee as the carrier oil because of these characteristics

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Taomas Gourmet Nut butter flavors thus far.

All the Nut buttes and Fudge flavors have Omega 3's in the form of ground flax and or Chia powder
- Protein Power (use of any nut)
- Cinnamon-Raisin
- Vanilla-Maple Almond 
- Coconut Chia granola
- Choco-Cherry
- Trail Blazer
- Pecan Pie
- Cashew Choc banana chip
- Chocolate chip cookie dough
- Energizing Nut butter (contains caffeine)
- Cookie dough
- Brownie
- Chocolate Coconut

Online ordering will be up and running soon. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10 Reasons Chia seeds are in Taomas Gourment Nut Butters

LOOK — 10 reasons to add chia seeds to your diet:
Combat Diabetes
Chia is being studied as a potential natural treatment for type-2 diabetes because of its ability to slow down digestion. The gelatinous coating chia seeds develops when exposed to liquids-can also prevent blood sugar spikes.
Get More Fibre 
Just a 28-gram or one-ounce serving of chia has 11 grams of dietary fibre — about a third of the recommended daily intake for adults. Adding some chia to your diet is an easy way to make sure you're getting a good amount of fibre, which is important for digestive health.
Stock Up On Omega-3
Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, with nearly five grams in a one-ounce serving. These fats are important for brain health. "There's better conversion of omega 3s into the plasma or into the food than with flax seed," said researcher Wayne Coates.
Stronger Teeth And Bones 
A serving of chia seeds has 18 per cent of the recommended daily intake for calcium, which puts your well on your way to maintaining bone and oral health, and preventing osteoporosis.
Don't Forget Manganese 
Manganese isn't a well-known nutrient, but it's important for our health: it's good for your bones and helps your body use other essential nutrients like biotin and thiamin. One serving of chia seeds, or 28 grams, has 30 per cent of your recommended intake of this mineral.
Plenty Of Phosphorus
With 27 per cent of your daily value for phosphorus, chia seeds also helps you maintain healthy bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also used by the body to synthesize protein for cell and tissue growth and repair.
Pack In The Protein 
Chia seeds also make a great source of protein for vegetarians and don't have any cholesterol. One 28-gram serving of these super seeds has 4.4 grams of protein, nearly 10 per cent of the daily value.
Fight Belly Fat 
Chia's stabilizing effect on blood sugar also fights insulin resistance which can be tied to an increase in belly fat, according to Live Strong. This type of resistance can also be harmful for your overall health.
Get Full. Faster
Tryptophan, an amino acid found in turkey, is also found in chia seeds. While tryptophan is responsible for that strong urge to nap after a big Thanksgiving dinner for example, it also helps regulate appetite, sleep and improve mood.
Improve Heart Health 
According to the Cleveland Clinic, chia seeds have been shown to improve blood pressure in diabetics, and may also increase healthy cholesterol while lowering total, LDL, and triglyceride cholesterol. All good news for your ticker!
-Huffington Post

What are the health benefits of coconut oil?

Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.
Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar since coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Taomas Gourmet Nut Butters is official as of today, got the business license!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Taomas Nut butter FLAVORS!

Taomas starting Flavors: Pecan Pie nut butter, Cherry Choco Blanco nut butter, Pistachio Protein Power nut butter, Cashew Choc Chip, Trailblazing nut butter, Energizing nut butte, and Choco Cherry Blanco nut butter.

Organic Grass fed Ghee

ORGANIC GRASS FED GHEE: just one of the health benefits of Taomas nut butters.
Ghee is simply clarified butter. It's most notably said to stimulate the secretion of stomach acids to help with digestion, while other fats, such as butter and oils slow down the digestive process and can sit heavy in the stomach. Also ghee’s nutritional value, is rich in antioxidants and act as an aid in the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other foods, feeding all layers of the body tissue and serving to strengthen the immune system. A high concentration of butyric acid (a fatty acid that contains anti-viral properties) in ghee is believed to help inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors in some studies.

Cashew Choco Chip butter

Photo: Cashew Choco chip! :)This one is a fave so far. Today is Almond-banana chip butter, and Trail blazing butter. Pics will be posted up as well.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Brownie Fudge Butter coming along nicely with my new processor.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fudge-Nut butters coming soon!!

I plan to have all my recipes for the Nut and Fudge butters up for sale by end of year 2013. In the mean time I will be busy making sure they all taste as Awesome as I know they will. Also they will all be Paleo friendly and only Organic or Natural sources. Make sure to check back or look for updates. I will also being posing photos soon and flavors. Be patient as this is a work in progress, but I will post here often with updates.

NPRs Fresh Air Sept 30 episode

Interesting listen.
Trascript as well:
The Story of the Human Body

Interview Highlights

On "mismatch diseases"

Many of the illnesses that we confront today are what evolutionary biologists called "mismatch diseases": ... Diseases that occur because our bodies are poorly or inadequately adapted to environments in which we now live. An example would be eating large amounts of sugar or being very physically inactive leads to problems like diabetes or heart disease that then make us sick. So mismatched diseases are diseases that are more modern in the sense that they're more prevalent, or even novel or more severe, because we don't live in the way in which our bodies are adapted.